Manic Manhattan Adventures

the chronicals of my time 1,000 miles away from home

Welcome to my personal blog / photography page! Here I will be posting about my time "abroad" in Queens, NY. I am Minnesota raised and currently enrolled at UW- Eau Claire. As a part of my studies, I have been given the opportunity to study in NYC, Queens, NY. While I have a primary blog I started in August (here), this will serve as a kind of backup/experimental blog.

As a way to adjust to this much larger and very different city, I made it a point to go out and explore as much as I can. Not only has this helped me realize this place isn't all that big and scary, I have been able to capture some really nice pictures:

Campus Clock Frese Hall Fresh Foods Walk Summit Building House with Magenta Flowers Bus driving by apartments

These images were shot my first week here. There are hundreds more that I have taken since and will be uploading them here soon. From a day at the met to a full blown photoshoot in Chelsea, there is at least one photo for everyone to connect with.
Check out my Gallery